
NIHR’s Committee on Public Rights and Freedoms is convenes its 22nd Meeting via Teleconference

14 Jan 2021

The National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR)’s Committee on Public Rights and Freedoms has convened its 22nd meeting via teleconference under the chairpersonship of Dr. Badr Mohamed Adel and membership of Mr. Ahmed Mahdi Al-Haddad and Mrs. Wedad Radhi Al-Moosawi.

The Committee opened its meeting by following up on all its previous resolutions and recommendations and the actions taken thereupon, especially those related to the request referred to  it by the NIHR’s Committee on Complaints, Monitoring and Follow-up on examining to what extent there is a legislative or organizational gap in the mechanism of transferring expatriate workers to another sponsor and the resulting damages incurred by the former one, which will be examined by the Committee to provide appropriate opinion.

The Committee also examined the measures taken on its previous proposal related to the amendment of the provisions of Chapter (4) of the Law (36) of 2012 promulgating the Labor Law in Private Sector relating to increasing the minimum age allowed for child labor and employment to match the one stated in the Bahraini Child Law, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the provisions of Article (1) of the International Convention (138) of 1973 on the minimum employment age to which the Kingdom of Bahrain has acceded pursuant to the Law (1) of 2012.

Then the Committee continued its discussions on its previous proposals for the round table event that the NIHR intends to hold this year, which aims at the promotion and protection of all civil, political, economic, social and cultural human rights and the consecration of its values in a manner consistent with the NIHR’s Strategy and Action Plan for the years 2019 – 2021, where the Committee discussed a proposal in this regard to hold a round table event on Distance Education in light of Coronavirus (Covid-19) between Reality and Expectations, which the NIHR intends to hold this month.