
NIHR’s Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights convenes its 11th Regular Meeting

19 Mar 2018

The National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR)’s Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights convened its 11th regular meeting under the Head of Dr. Hameed Ahmed Hussein and membership of Mr. Abdullah Ahmed Al-Derazi and Mrs. Widad Radii Al-Mousawi. The meeting was held at the NIHR’s headquarters in the Seef District.

The Committee discussed the 17 global UN Sustainable Development Goals that fall within its mandate, and confirmed that most of those goals have already been achieved on the ground for a long time as part of the implementation of the Reform Project of His Majesty the King, may Allah protect him.

During its discussions, the Committee focused on a number of goals that fall within its mandate, in particular those relating to the empowerment of women and gender equality.

The Committee further followed-up on the resolutions and recommendations adopted at its previous meeting and the relevant actions thereon.