
NIHR organizes an Awareness Lecture on the 2nd Package of “My Rights 2” Programme

11 Jul 2018

As part of its role in spreading the culture of human rights among different groups in society in accordance with national and international standards, the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) organized an awareness lecture entitled “Fundamental Rights and Freedoms in the Constitution of Bahrain”, within the 3rd package of the events of “My Rights 2” program.

The first part of the awareness lecture, presented by Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Al-Najjar, Head of the NIHR’s Legal Affairs Unit, dealt with the general concepts of fundamental rights and freedoms, where he discussed the recent historical development of the rights and freedoms and their inclusion in the Constitution.  The second part of the lecture dealt with the national mechanisms for the promotion and protection of the rights and freedoms, where participants were introduced to the national mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human rights, the role of the NIHR and the difference between them and some other national mechanisms, in addition to the Paris Principles’ guidelines on the work of national human rights institutions around the world and their accreditation system.


“My Rights 2” program, is organized by the NIHR in partnership with Bahrain Institute for Political Development (BIPD), Judicial and Legal Studies Institute (JLSI) and the Supreme Council for Women (SCW), and will continue until the end of this year.  It targets employees of government institutions and members of civil society organizations and consists of five packages, namely the national institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain, the culture of citizenship, the human rights culture, the rights and freedoms and constitutional and human rights skills.