
NIHR hosts Masters Students at the Royal Academy of Police

05 Dec 2018

The National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) hosted Masters Students of Criminal and Police Sciences, Administrative and Security Sciences and Crisis Management, organized by the Royal Academy of Police, in order to inform its academic staff about the work and services of the NIHR in the promotion and protection of human rights, with a view to provide participants with practical skills in this area.

Mr. Mohammed Al Najjar, Head of the Legal Affairs Unit, and Mrs. Eman Al Aboo, Head of the Complaints and Monitoring Unit, presented a two-day introductory lecture on the historical development and legal framework of the NIHR and its mechanism of action in the Kingdom of Bahrain pursuant to the Paris Principles.

For his part, Dr. Khalifa bin Ali Al Fadhel, Secretary General of the NIHR, stressed the importance of giving this kind of introductory lectures to the law enforcement staff, which will have a positive impact upon their missions through their understanding of human rights and national mechanisms pursuant to international standards and applications.