
National Institution for Human Rights holds introductory lecture to assess students Royal Police Academy

22 Oct 2014

National Institution for Human Rights gave an introductory lecture at its headquarters in Alseef district for the students of the Royal Police Academy who are registered in the program for a diploma of human rights on the (role of the National Institution for Human Rights in the promotion and protection of human rights in the Kingdom of Bahrain).

The Secretary-General of the National Institution for Human Rights HE Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Farhan began the lecture by a speech in which he asserted that this event comes within the framework of partnership and cooperation between the Ministry of Interior and the National Institution for Human Rights to promote the concepts of human rights in police work for the ministry affiliates in all sectors.

He affirmed that the role played by the National Institution is part of its creation decree No. (26) for the year 2014 to promote and disseminate human rights culture through conducting lectures, training courses and education for all, especially the authorities concerned with law enforcement in the areas related to human rights.

The first part of the lecture was given by Mr. Mohamed Ahmed al-Najjar, the acting head of the national legislation and focused on national human rights institutions in terms of historical development of its inception, and the legal framework governing it, with a brief statement of the "Paris Principles" on the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights.

The second part of the lecture presented by Mr. Badea Ali Jbeil, head of the complaints unit was about the National Institution for Human Rights competence in the field of human rights protection in Bahrain, through presenting its mandate to receive complaints and provide legal advice and as well as monitoring and visiting places that are suspected to violate human rights.

At the end of the lecture, Mr. Yasser Saqer Al Shirawi Vice Secretary-General presented certificates to the participants.