
The Committee on Visiting Detention Places and Facilities Conducts an Inspection Visit to Nasser Vocational Training Centre

12 Mar 2023

In line with the broad mandate granted to the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) in the field of protecting and promoting human rights, and the jurisdiction granted to it under the provisions of its Establishment Law, the NIHR Committee on Visiting Detention Places and Facilities has conducted an inspection visit to Nasser Vocational Training Centre in order to find out the general conditions of students and the academic, technical and administrative staff and their observations, and to ensure the extent to which they enjoy their rights guaranteed by national legislation and international human rights standards.

During the visit, the Committee members watched a video presented by those concerned in the Admission and Registration Department about the Centre’s efforts to qualify and train students by providing an integrated specialised educational system in the technical, vocational and technological fields, in addition to clarifying the procedures in place to ensure the development and achievement of high levels of education for Bahraini youth to the fullest.

In the same context, the Committee members were briefed on the Centre’s facilities, toured the classrooms, workshops, laboratories and clinic, met with a number of students and wrote down their notes.

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