
Statement by NIHR on Male and Female Inmate Practicing of Ashura Rites

22 Aug 2021

In line with the oversight and human rights role of the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) to ensure that all inmates are practicing their religious rites pursuant to the laws and regulations in force at the correction and rehabilitation centres as well as the relevant international human rights standards, and based upon its broad powers granted to it in accordance with its Establishment Law, a number of members to the NIHR Council of Commissioners  have conducted declared visits to the Correction, Rehabilitation and Detention Centre for Female Inmates in Isa town, the Correction and Rehabilitation Centre in the Jaw Region and the Detention Centre and the Dry Dock Detention Centre during Ashura season 1443 AH, in order to ensure that all inmates practice their rights stipulated by the law.

During the visit, the NIHR delegation watched male and female inmates while practicing their religious rites.  In addition, a number of members to the NIHR Council of Commissioners entered the wards and met with a number of inmates who were selected randomly, who stated that the management of those centres provided them with the necessary facilities and services to ensure their continued practice of their religious rites.  A number of male and female inmates also submitted requests and feedback on the improvement of the quality of services provided to them, which the NIHR covered in its report with the recommendations to be submitted to the concerned authorities.

The members to the NIHR Council of Commissioners also met with the officials of the management of those centres, who in turn explained the procedures they take to ensure that inmates continue to practice their religious rites with ease without harming or infringing on the freedom and privacy of other inmates of other religions and sects, and in a manner that ensures maintaining the security of the centres and the safety and health of everyone in them.

In a statement on the sidelines of the visit, Eng. Ali Ahmed Al-Derazi Chairperson of the NIHR, explained that field visits carried out by the members of the NIHR fall within the NIHR’s human rights and supervisory role over the ministries and executive authority institutions as per the NIHR’s powers and terms of reference, stating that the practice of religious rites in the Kingdom of Bahrain is guaranteed and is exercised freely within the framework of ensuring public and personal freedoms and equality for all without discrimination based on race, language, religion or gender.