
NIHR’s Chairperson meets with Member of the British House of Lords

26 Jun 2017

At the end of their visit to London, capital of Britain, a delegation of the NIHR, headed by His Excellency Mr. Saeed bin Mohamed Al-Faihani, met with Lord Richard Los, Member of the British House of Lords, where the two sides stressed the importance of cooperation and exchange of expertise in various fields between the two friendly countries.

During the meeting, the NIHR’s Chairperson reviewed the date of establishment of the NIHR and mechanism of appointing its members, in addition to its role in the promotion and protection of human rights in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The two sides discussed the diplomatic crisis with the State of Qatar, where the NIHR’s Chairperson stressed that there is no siege on Qatar, and the National Committee of Qatar must move away from the exaggerations and the playing on the legal and oppressive strife.   He pointed out that the concept of “siege” is not compatible with the current situation in Doha as its airports are open 24 hours a day and its ports are free to move.  He explained that all this is an attempt by the National Committee of Qatar to mobilize public opinion and play the role of the victim.

The NIHR’s Chairperson also pointed out that the sovereign measures adopted by the Arab countries severing the State of Qatar came as a result of the damage caused by Qatar’s support for extremism and terrorist movements and targeting the security and stability of its neighbors.